The movies and shows to curl up in a blanket with

What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times?

To say that I enjoy watching movies and TV shows is an understatement. It can be a great escapism. Letting yourself be drawn into the world’s created on scene can help relax you after a stressful day or heighten a good one. Everyone has a go-to when they’re feeling down or nostalgic.

At this point in my life, there has to be dozens of movies and shows I’ve sat through multiple times. But there are some that when the mood strikes have become my go-to.

At the top of the list has to be Stargate SG-1. I enjoyed the movie the show was based on growing up, but I didn’t discover the series until the end of season 6. I became hooked and watched the entire series. The show also represented the first convention I ever attended.

Mystery Science Theater 3000 has more of a personal spot in my life. My dad and I would watch the show as I was growing up, and to this day, we both share a fondness for B-Movies. Over the last couple of years, I have even become part of a larger community with fans, and we often have watch parties, looking back on classic episodes.

I’m a bit of a sucker for Regency romance movies. One that I have probably seen the most is North & South. It’s based on a book by Elizabeth Gaskell, which I have yet to read. I can’t quite place what it is about this one that tops the list, but I tend to lean more towards this one over some of the classic Austen adaptations.

I also enjoy revisting the Band of Brothers miniseries at least once a year. For as many times as I have watched it, I still find myself being emotionally invested in the story of the men of Easy Company from WWII.

When it comes to movies, I could have a list as long as my arm for what I’ve watched more than 5 times. From the Die Hard movies to The Rocketeer and Grease. I could spend hours typing out all the movies that are my favorites on rotation.

I find that sometimes I prefer to revist older movies and shows as opposed to watching something new. Maybe it’s a form of comfort, or I’ve become an old lady stuck in my ways. Regardless, movies and TV are a form of media that we can all understand and can connect people with conversation that they may have never thought about before.

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